Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Global 10 - AIM 117

Aim #117 - How did China become a communist country?

I.   Communist Revolution in China

A.  Chaing Kai Shek 
1. democracy leader after Sun Yat Sen

B.  Japan was trying to invade China

C. Communists were trying to invade China
1. Long March (1935)
2. Mao Zedong - communist leader
3. Mao led and forced people to join his communist groups

D. Democratic leaders were forced to Taiwan

  • Why is this important?
Write three reasons why the Communist Revolution in China is important. 

Email: LRule@schools.nyc.gov or post a comment with your thoughts  


  1. Do you want us to answer the task in the comments?
    -Nakaiya Flowers

    1. You could if you want to ~ Rollin

      "Email: LRule@schools.nyc.gov or post a comment with your thoughts"

  2. This is important because:

    1) China's government as a whole changed
    within a matter of 4 years which caused a
    major change in the lives of Chinese citizens
    because of how fast the change was.

    2) People were being forced away from China
    because of their leadership roles.
    (being democratic)

    3) This revolution was taking place during a war
    which meant people were more susceptible to
    the forceful changes in their lives.

    1. This is Rollin. I could've sworn I was commenting under my google account.

  3. This is Carson, three reasons why the Communist Revolution in China was important is it changed china from Democratic to Communist, It showed Conflict between leaders or b/c of revolutions, It showed Ideas and Beliefs b/c Mao practiced communism

  4. 1. This is important because it signifies China becoming a communist country.

    2. This is important because it was a conflict between democratic and communist leaders.

    3. This is important because communism was spreading, making democratic leaders worried.
    -Nakaiya Flowers

  5. 1. This is important b/c communism can force democracy out of China.
    2. This is important b/c the disagreement between democratic and communist leaders can lead to war.
    3. This is important b/c it can affect China's traditions.
